I need to begin creating my compiler from scratch, because I just realized that the way I'm doing things right now isn't going to work at all. So my plan here is to solidify the list of tokens that are accepted by the lexer:
Token | Code |
! | 33 |
& | 38 |
' | 39 |
( | 40 |
) | 41 |
: | 58 |
; | 59 |
< | 60 |
> | 62 |
^ | 94 |
{ | 123 |
| | 124 |
} | 125 |
if | 303 |
else | 304 |
while | 305 |
read | 306 |
write | 307 |
goto | 308 |
left | 309 |
right | 310 |
!= | 311 |
<< | 312 |
>> | 313 |
<= | 314 |
>= | 315 |
true | 316 |
false | 317 |
halt | 318 |
break | 319 |
continue | 320 |
start | 321 |
accept | 322 |
reject | 323 |
In addition to these there are a few tokens that will use regular expressions:
Token | expression | code |
Literal | '.' |
300 |
Comment | #.*\n |
-1 |
Integer | [1-9]\d+ |
301 |
Identifier | [^0-9][_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]* |
302 |
Luckily for me, since I'm using prefix notation, I don't actually need to have any operator precedence or associativity, that much is left up to the user.
I already have a lexer, my next step is to begin working on the grammar for the language, as well as parsing. I had already implemented this before, but I'm not happy with the way that everything is working, so I'm going to scrap it and try again.
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